Mark Smolley Response to Question #5:

5.  Over the last decade, the SLV Water District absorbed the Felton and Lompico Water Districts and declined to merge with the Scotts Valley Water District. The Bracken Brae and Forest Springs Water Districts in Boulder Creek are in final stages of negotiation to merge with SLVWD. Do you think the District has an obligation to also merge with the Big Basin Water Company? Why?

I do not think that the District has an obligation to consolidate the Big Basin Water Company into the District’s services, however I think it is prudent to evaluate this possibility. The BBWC cannot adequately continue to provide the service to the current customers and it appears that SLVWD is the best option for those customers to have a stable and safe water source. Consolidating BBWC expands the District’s customer base and if done appropriately, increases the operational revenue. However, the BBWC system needs substantial upgrades and improvements. The costs for this work must not be borne by the existing SLVWD customers and instead needs to come from other sources.